

SpiritMe offers an easy way to create videos using digital avatars that resemble real people, complete with voice and emotions. Users can simply type any text, and the platform will generate a video featuring their digital avatar.


  • Easiest digitization on the market
  • Dynamic facial expressions engine
  • Unique technology in the avatar market

Use Cases:

  • Digital Avatars for Video Production: Create affordable and fast videos for any business, 24/7. Use a human face to communicate with customers by simply writing the text.
  • Digital Celebrity or Blogger: Monetize online appearance and generate more content without human limitations. Avatars work continuously while humans rest or experience mood swings and sick leaves.
  • Engaging Communications: Capture viewers’ attention with a digital avatar presenter for presentations, personalized video ads, and mailing lists.
  • Chatbots: Enhance chatbot content systems by adding a human-like avatar that talks to users.

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